How to clean mixing containers

Tips for Cleaning Resin Mixing Tools

Craft Resin is a leading brand in the DIY home and garden improvement industry. Their high-quality resin products are perfect for creating stunning crafts and home decor items. When working with Craft Resin, it's important to know how to properly clean your mixing tools to ensure optimal results for your projects. In this article, we will share some useful tips on cleaning your resin mixing containers and sticks.

Using Silicone Mixing Jugs

When pouring your Craft Resin mix into the mold, it is advised not to scrape the sides and bottom of the mixing container. As a result, you may have some leftover resin in your container. To address this issue, Craft Resin suggests using silicone mixing jugs. Craft Resin does not stick to silicone when cured, making it easier to handle the leftover resin.

To clean the silicone mixing jugs, follow these steps:

  1. Leave the resin mix in the silicone jug to cure.
  2. Once the resin is fully cured, flip the silicone jug inside out to remove the resin.
  3. You may find a few tiny bits of resin around the jug. Use sticky tape to remove larger particles.
  4. Wash the silicone jug with soapy water to remove any remaining residue.
  5. Ensure the jug is fully dry before using it again for your next resin project.

Cleaning Reusable Plastic Mixing Sticks

Craft Resin packs come with reusable plastic mixing sticks. To clean these sticks, follow these simple steps:

  1. Wipe down the mixing stick with a paper towel to remove any excess resin.
  2. Use acetone to wipe off any remaining residue on the stick.
  3. Wash the mixing stick with soapy water to ensure it is thoroughly cleaned.
  4. Again, make sure the stick is fully dry before using it for your next resin mixing session.

By following these cleaning tips, you can maintain the quality and longevity of your Craft Resin mixing tools. Properly cleaning your tools ensures that you can reuse them for future projects without any issues.

Craft Resin is committed to providing high-quality resin products and supporting their customers throughout their creative journey. For more information about Craft Resin products and tips, visit their online store.

Remember, a clean and well-maintained resin mixing setup is the key to achieving beautiful and flawless resin creations. Happy crafting!

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