How to colour craft resin

How to Color Your Craft Resin Projects

Craft Resin is a versatile clear substance that is perfect for covering artwork or creating stunning resin pieces. If you want to add color to your resin project, there are a few options to consider. However, it's important to remember not to exceed 6% colorant to the total volume of the Craft Resin mix. Let's explore some of the options available to color your resin projects.

Mica Powders

One option is to use Craft Resin Mica Powders. These powders come in packets of 30 colors, providing a wide range of choices, including glow-in-the-dark options. Mica Powders are fine powders that can create vibrant or subtle colors in your resin, depending on the amount you add. The great thing about Mica Powders is that you can start with a small amount and gradually increase it for a more vivid color. Just remember not to exceed the 6% limit.

You can add Mica Powders directly into your resin when mixing it with the hardener, or you can delicately paint or dust the powders over your resin mold. After pouring the resin into the mold and allowing it to cure, you'll achieve a beautiful color effect. If you're interested in specific coloring techniques with Mica Powders, further research and experimentation can help you recreate those effects.

Mica Powders are not limited to resin projects. They are cosmetic grade, which means they are safe for use on the skin and in makeup. You can use them to color lipsticks, blushes, eye shadows, and even nail varnish. If you're creating soap dyes, coloring candles, or making bath bombs with Mica Powders, adding polysorbate 80 to the mix can yield incredible results. For more information, you can visit the Craft Resin Mica Powders page on our website.

Acrylic Paints

Acrylic paints are another option for coloring Craft Resin. However, it's important to note that they may reduce the glossiness of your resin project, resulting in a less shiny effect. While some people may prefer this effect, others may want a glass-like finish. If you decide to use acrylic paints, keep in mind that it could alter the final appearance of your work.

Alcohol Inks

Alcohol inks are a popular choice for coloring epoxy resin creations. They can produce vibrant and beautiful colors, allowing you to create stunning effects such as petri dish art. When using alcohol inks, it's crucial to avoid using a heat torch on your work. Alcohol is flammable, and using a torch could lead to accidents. Instead, use an alcohol spray to eliminate any bubbles that may form during the curing process. Additionally, warm your resin and hardener in sealed bottles in a sink of warm water before use and mix your resin gently to prevent bubble formation.

It's important to note that using a significant amount of alcohol ink in your project can affect the flammability and toxicity of Craft Resin. Ensure that your workspace is well-ventilated and wear a respirator when working with alcohol inks to protect your health.

Avoid Oil Paints

Lastly, it's crucial to avoid using oil paints with Craft Resin. Oil paints do not mix well with resin and can make your resin mix extremely difficult to work with. However, you can still cover your oil painted artwork with Craft Resin by applying a sealant like Mod Podge as a base layer. Allow the sealant to dry before adding the resin to prevent any mixing issues between the resin and oil paint.

In conclusion, coloring your Craft Resin projects opens up a world of possibilities. Whether you choose Mica Powders, acrylic paints, or alcohol inks, each option offers unique effects and vibrant colors. Just remember to follow the guidelines and recommendations to ensure the best results.

Happy resin crafting!

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