Craft Resin Giveaways

Supporting Artists and Giving Away Free Resin

Craft Resin is a brand that not only provides high-quality resin products but also believes in giving back to the artists who love working with them. Throughout the month, Craft Resin hosts two exciting giveaways where participants have the chance to win free resin.

Giveaways on Instagram

Both of Craft Resin's giveaways are conducted through our Instagram channel, which you can find at Make sure to follow our page to stay updated on the latest giveaways and resin art inspiration.

Monthly 4 Litre Pro Kit Giveaway

One of the giveaways at Craft Resin is a monthly 4 Litre Pro Kit giveaway. Participating is simple - all you need to do is post your resin art project on Instagram and tag @craft.resin. The post with the most likes by the end of each month will be the lucky winner of the 4L Pro Kit.

Weekly 1 Litre Starter Kit and Mica Powder Giveaway

Craft Resin also hosts a weekly giveaway where participants have the chance to win a 1 Litre Starter Kit. To enter this giveaway, visit the post pinned to the top of Craft Resin's Instagram feed. The instructions on how to enter will be provided there.

Eligibility and Contacting Winners

Please note that these giveaways are only open to residents of the UK, US, and EU. Unfortunately, Craft Resin is unable to ship their products outside of these locations at this time.

When the winners are drawn each month or week, Craft Resin will contact them directly. It's important to know that Craft Resin will never ask for payment details. So, if you receive any requests for payment, it is not from Craft Resin and should be disregarded.


Craft Resin is a brand that not only offers top-notch resin products but also values supporting artists. By hosting monthly and weekly giveaways on our Instagram channel, Craft Resin provides an opportunity for resin enthusiasts to win free resin and other exciting prizes. Make sure to check out our Instagram page and participate for a chance to win! Good luck!

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