How to create a thicker coat

Building Resin Projects in Layers: A Guide by Craft Resin

Craft Resin is a leading brand in the DIY home and garden improvement industry. Their high-quality coating resin, designed initially for artwork, has gained popularity for various other projects as well. Whether you want to create a thin layer on your artwork or build thicker projects, Craft Resin has got you covered. In this article, we will explore two methods of building resin projects in layers using Craft Resin.

Method 1: Pouring Multiple Layers

The first method involves pouring multiple layers of resin to build up your project's height. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Pour the first layer of resin as you normally would, ensuring to remove any bubbles using a heat torch.
  2. Wait for 3-5 hours. During this time, the resin will be in a thick, semi-liquid state, not completely cured.
  3. Pour another layer of resin mix onto the first layer, eliminating any bubbles with a heat torch.
  4. Wait for another 3-5 hours before repeating the process to reach the desired height.
  5. Keep in mind that thicker projects require longer curing times. Depending on the thickness and number of layers, the curing time may exceed 24-72 hours. Thicker projects should be kept in a warmer room for extended periods, sometimes even up to a week.

It's important to note that curing times may vary for each project. With experience, you'll develop a better understanding of the ideal curing times. If you're selling thicker projects, inform your customers about the extended production and curing times to manage their expectations effectively.

Method 2: Sanding Between Layers

The second method involves pouring a 1/4" layer, sanding it down after it cures, and then adding another layer on top. Follow these steps:

  1. Pour the first 1/4" layer of resin and use a heat torch to remove any bubbles.
  2. Cover the project and allow the first layer to fully cure.
  3. Once cured, use sandpaper with a grit of 80-120 to sand the top layer. Ensure the project is dry and free from any sanded grit.
  4. Apply another layer of resin mix to the sanded surface.
  5. Repeat the process until your project reaches the desired height.

Both methods offer excellent options for building resin projects in layers. Feel free to experiment with both methods to find the one that works best for your specific projects.

Dealing with Bubbles in Thicker Projects

Bubbles can be more challenging to eliminate in thicker projects, especially those with items like flowers embedded. Pay close attention to your work during each layer's curing process. You can refer to Craft Resin's guidance on getting rid of bubbles to combat this issue effectively.

Managing the Exothermic Reaction in Thicker Pours

When working with thicker pours, it's essential to understand the exothermic reaction that occurs when mixing resin and hardener. The exothermic reaction generates heat, which can lead to flash cures and potentially dangerous situations. Here are some tips to control the exothermic reaction:

  1. Avoid preheating your resin in warm water before mixing larger amounts together.
  2. Mix the resin and hardener slowly for no longer than 3-4 minutes.
  3. Work in cooler environments with temperatures below 20°C or 70°F. Increase the temperature towards the end of the curing process after the resin mix has cooled down.

Following these steps will help you manage the exothermic reaction and prevent any unwanted complications. Pouring resin in layers allows you to work with smaller amounts of resin mix at once, giving the first layer time to cool before pouring the next.

Be cautious not to leave too much time between pouring subsequent layers, as they may not fully bond together after the 5-hour mark. Experimentation with timing will help you find the ideal curing process for your projects.

Craft Resin provides high-quality resin products and expert guidance to help you create stunning resin projects. With their versatile coating resin, you can explore various techniques and unleash your creativity. Start building your resin projects in layers today and enjoy the endless possibilities Craft Resin offers!

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